There are tons of programs available on the internet through which We can read and edit PDF files on a Microsoft Windows, Mac OS, and Linux powered PC, such as Adobe Reader, Foxit PDF Reader and many others.
There are both freeware and paid PDF readers available on the market and most of Microsoft Windows, Mac OS, and Linux users are well aware of PDF readers and they do not find it difficult to get a PDF reader that meets their requirements.
In addition to PDF file format, There are numerous eBook file formats or extensions that exist in today’s digital world to read eBooks on a Windows, Mac, Linux PC, and mobile device. For example, Epub, Mobi, and others.
Sometimes You download an eBook and go off opening it in your PDF reader and It fails to open your downloaded file.
It could be an Epub file extension that a general PDF reader cannot open and many of us cannot figure out what is the problem and delete or convert it to PDF file format.
You need to install an Epub reader software on your PC to read an Epub eBook without having to convert it to PDF file format.
Taking this into consideration, I’ve compiled a list of the 5 best and free to use Epub readers to read or open Epub eBooks on PC.
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Sumatra PDF
Sumatra PDF is a free and open-source Epub reader that can be used for free for personal and commercial use. In addition to the Epub file format, It also supports PDF, Mobi, and other eBook file extensions.
Sumatra PDF is a tabbed eBook reader, You can open multiple Epub eBooks in a Single Window.
I found Sumatra PDF a very lightweight piece of software while reading Epub eBooks on my laptop running Windows 8.
Despite It is free to use and open source, Sumatra PDF is free of any web browser toolbar, indecent ads, and bloatware.
The downside of the Sumatra PDF is that It does not have a library feature. Sumatra PDF is available to use for Windows 11, Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows 7, Vista, and Windows XP users.
Adobe Digital Editions
Adobe Digital Editions is another free to use Epub reader. This free to use Epub reader is designed for Microsoft Windows, Mac OS, Apple iPhone, iPad, and Android operating system users.
Though It does not have a tabbed eBook reading feature, But Adobe Digital Editions comes packed with the eBook library.
In addition to the Epub file format, This free to use the eBook reader with multi-language supports the most used and famous PDF file format and other eBook file formats.
You’ll find it a very lightweight and free of the web browser toolbar, malware, adware, indecent ads, and bloatware eBook reader.
Calibre is designed for Microsoft Windows, Mac OS, and Linux operating systems. This comprehensive e-book software is open source, and totally free to use for personal and commercial use.
Calibre is more than an Epub reader.
In addition to reading PDF, Epub, Mobi, and other file extensions eBook, You can convert eBooks between PDF, Epub, Mobi, FB2, HTML, Text, and various other formats. As well as you can create a virtual library.
While installing and using Calibre, I found no ads, suggestions to install browser toolbars and other things in this free to use and open source Epub reader and converter.
It is a very lightweight piece of software and did not hang or crash while converting and reading eBooks.
EPUB File Reader
EPUB File Reader is another free to use but very simple Epub reader to open and read Epub, PDF, and other eBooks on a Windows-powered device. It has no library feature.
EPUB File Reader is only designed for Microsoft Windows users and before you install it, Make sure you have installed .Net Framework. .Net Framework is required for EPUB File Reader.
While installing and using EPUB File Reader, I found no ads, suggestions to install browser toolbars, and other things in this free to use Epub reader.
It is a very lightweight piece of software and did not hang or crash while reading eBooks.
FBReader is a cross-platform piece of software that is designed for Microsoft Windows, Mac OS, Linux, Android, and BlackBerry operating systems.
This free to use Epub reader has a very simple interface and less features than previous mentioned Epub readers. Anyway, It comes packed with a library feature.
There is a downside of FB Reader, This free to use Epub reader has not been updated since 2010.
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Final Words
While compiling today’s list of 5 best and free Epub readers, We tested several other free to use Epub readers, But we deliberately did not add to the list, Either they force to install unwanted programs, browser toolbars, and other things or they were very slow.
We humbly request you please do share with me and others If you know about any other free to use and best Epub reader.
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